2010年4月15日 星期四


finally, i send it out.

a dream company and a dream work.

hope i can get the chance!

i really want to start another life.


today is so upset, you know what?

my company has merged with another company!!

what a hell!!! how a poor company!!!

the vice director said that we'll all move to another place pretty soon,

but he did't tell us which company it is.

you feeling like shit, they're doing something very very serious but you don't even know a shit!

i can't stand these people and this suck company,i really want to quit!!

but my parents said that i should stay and look over a while,

maybe the new company is bigger and better.

i don't know, who cares?

i hate this is f*cking boring industry!

please find another job as soon as possible!!!

